ARTventurers Thirty Day Drawing Challenge
During the first and third lockdowns, we’ve been running a thirty day drawing challenge over on Facebook.
The aim of the drawing challenge is not only to introduce a daily dose of creativity (which we all need right now!) but also to show our little artists that art can be quick, simple and fun too – without the need for expensive materials and resources – and to get them trying to draw different things and look at objects, people and places in different ways.
We’ve loved seeing all of the different drawings that our artists have produced – and as a big WELL done for completing the challenge you can find a link below to download your certificate of completion! Just print, add your name – and we’d love to see a photo of you with it if you’d like to share on our social!
If you haven’t taken part in the challenge yet, don’t worry! Here’s a summary of the daily drawing tasks and you can find all of the daily posts on social media with our guidance notes using the hashtag #artventurersdrawingchallenge

Here’s your certificate for completing the challenge – you can download the PDF here

You can follow us on Facebook HERE and join our Big Neighbourhood group where our drawing challenge ran during the third lockdown here